!Buenas tardes! Now that you’re off work, it’s time for a Spanish lesson. Did you know Spanish and English are super similar? Yes, Spanish has many of the same words as English. They are spelled the same but are not pronounced the same. These are called cognates. Words like chocolate, horrible, and television are all spelled the same in both languages. They just sound different. We’ll discuss those tomorrow.
In today’s lesson, let’s start small. Let’s discuss the alphabet. Spanish has 30 letters and the English alphabet has 26. Have a look at the image below to see the 4 additional characters and how they are pronounced in parentheses.

1. Ch– pronounced (Che) is a digraph or a letter combination that makes one sound. It does the same think in English. Example: Muchacho
2. Ñ– pronounced (eñe) it is like the “ny” sound you hear in canyon. You say it every time you say “piñata.”
3. LL– pronounced (eye) This double letter typically makes an English “y” sound. Depending on what part of the Spanish speaking world you are in, you may hear a “sh” (Argentina/Uruguay) or “j” (Mexico and some parts of Central and South America) sound. You see this letter when asked your name: “¿Cómo se llama Usted? What is your name? (formal)
4. RR– pronounced (erre). This is your rolled or trilled “R” sound in Spanish. Most people say they can’t do it, but working with me and my team, everyone has. When do you roll your “Rs” in Spanish? When you see a word begin with an R and when you see the double r or rr. Example: carro- which means car.
How did you like today’s lesson? Would you like to see video lessons? Comment below if this helped you and share with us what you’d like to learn next.
Why is this important? I teach the alphabet to all my students in class 1. If you don’t know how to say the letters that make up the language, how can you speak correctly and be understood?
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